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Religious School


What We Are About

Our Religious School focuses on building a strong sense of Jewish values and responsibility by blending content with creativity to make education substantial and fun. Rooted in our Religious School is teaching your children an appreciation of their Jewish heritage and giving them a commitment to  traditions and practices of Judaism. Our students learn to read Hebrew, celebrate the Jewish holidays and prepare for their Bar and Bat Mitzvah with a curriculum infused with art, music, celebration, food and interactive programs.   Learning by doing is emphaized, whether it is celebrating Shabbat or exploring the concept of Tikkun Olam by becoming  involved in mitzvah projects.  Our hope is that your child begins their Jewish education in our Shorashim (kindergarten ) program and remains through Confirmation. 


Grade Highlights

Shorashim – Kindergarten
  • Through song, dance, art and stories the children begin to identify the Hebrew alphabet, celebrate the holidays and learn about our heritage
  • Shorashim students learn to sing the four questions for Passover, and various blessings for Shabbat 
  • Mitzvah Theme: Tzar Ba'alei hayyim (Compassion for Animals)


Kitah Alef – 1st grade
  • Kitah Alef students learn about the holidays and customs through Torah stories
  • Students learn to decode Hebrew and vowel recognition and sounds
  • Mitzvah Theme: Shamor v'Zachor at Yom ha-Shabbat (Shabbat)
Kitah Bet - 2nd Grade
  • Having mastered the basic elements of Hebrew reading, Kitah Bet students receive their own copy of the Siddur, our prayer book. Parents create individual covers for their child's siddur as part of the TBI  Siddur Ceremony ritual
  • Kitah Bet students learn to recite all the Hanakkah blessing. 
  • Mitzvah Theme: Hachnasat Orchim (Welcoming Guests)
Kitah Gimel – 3rd grade
  • The Kitah Gimel class culminates their year of study with a Havdalah service complete with performances and skits
  • Kitah Gimel students research their Hebrew names
  • Mitzvah Theme: Bal Taschit (Do not waste)


Kitah Dalet – 4th grade

  • For Kitah Dalet students the Torah comes to life as they learn about the matriachs and patriarchs and stories of our ancestors in Genesis
  • Kitah Dalet students are introduced to the elements of a Friday Night service in preparation for leading one each year
  • Mitzvah Theme: Bikur Cholim (Visiting the sick)

Kitah Hei – 5th grade

  • Kitah Hei students explore their family's Jewish geneology
  • Students delve into the study of Israel, choosing  an Israeli location (a city, a place, etc) to research and present as a travelogue.
  • Mitzvah Theme: Keybood Z'kayim (Honoring the elderly)

Kitah Vav – 6th grade

  • Kitah Vav students focus on Kashrut customs, Holy Books, the Jewish take on friendship and the mitzvah of visiting the sick
  • Students particpate in a Kashrut scavenger hunt at the local supermarket
  • Mitzvah Theme: Sh'mirat Ha'Lashon (Guarding your tongue)

Kitah Zayin – 7th grade

  • Zayin students are heavily enmeshed in B'nei Mitzvah preparation and study
  • Kitah Zayin students begin to grapple with Jewish ethic issues
  • Mitzvah Theme: Lo Ta'amod al Dahm Reyechah (Do not stand by when someone else is in danger)
  • Kitah Zayin students are encouraged to particpate in our monthly Mostly Mitzvah cooking program to fulfill part of their B'nei mitzvah project. 

 Madrichim program

Teens (grades 8-12)  who graduated from our Religious School program, volunteer to help with Religious School classes on Sunday mornings. Madrichim work with the teachers to help mentor younger students by strengthening Hebrew reading and acting as positive role models.  


TBI High

TBI High helps usher your teens into Jewish Adulthood. Students in Grades 8th, 9th and 10th are encouraged to participate in this weekly program (and yes pizza is served) under the guidance of Rabbi Mishkin and long–standing Religious school teacher, Jay Dickler. Our goals at TBI High are designed to stimulate Jewish learning while reinforcing Jewish education and values.

Our students do much of their learning in a chevruta (group discussion) environment.  This allows them to formulate their own ideas and concepts, as well as reflect on the opinions of their peers.  Recent chevruta topics have ranged from Jewish humor to kabbalah.  The curriculum emphasizes the relevance of Jewish values and ethic’s in today’s world. Besides chevruta, other elements of the curriculum have recently included special programming, ranging from taking photos through a Jewish lens to attending a presentation by a former Knesset member.

Hebrew High culminates in a wonderful Confirmation Program, usually held during Shavuot.


2022-2023 Calendar
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Please contact Anya Morgulis 516.767.1708, ext. 15 or
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784