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A Havurah, which comes from the Hebrew word for friend, is a small group of families, couples or individuals who share common interests and the desire to meet together on a regular basis. The Havurah usually meets in each others' homes. It is a way of devloping personal friendship in the Temple Beth Israel congrgation and forming an extended family. At TBI the Havurah model is usually centered around Frday night Shabbat dinner. Recently a group of our young families have organized an informal Havurah group that hosts Shabbat lunches once a month. If you ask a member who participates in a TBI Havurah they would say it is a wonderful way to feel the warmth and support of a close-knit community. The Havurah does not replace other events at TBI but instead supplements and supports the social, religious and intellectual activities. 


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Thu, February 6 2025 8 Shevat 5785