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Life Long Learning

I would rather think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to come together and make sense.

-Rabbi Harold Kushner

Temple Beth Israel is committed to providing thought-provoking programs and conversations about our core Jewish values and customs. Whether learning is text-based with Torah commentary or speaker-centered, be ready to engage in lively dialogue and debate that both challenges and enriches your understanding of Judaism.

Programs have included:

  • Joan and Bernie Hulkower Speaker Series: Dennis Ross
  • Scholar in Residence: Art Green
  • Artist in Residence: Mordachai Rosenstein
  • Intro to Hebrew Reading
  • Woman of the Wall Speaker
  • Jewish scholar comedian: Joel Chasonoff
  • Series of Weekly Study Programs with Topics: What the Torah Says About Death, Woman in the Torah and Another Look at the Israeli Six Day War
Want to Learn More...Get Involved...Share Ideas? Reach Out to:


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784